
Homeschool High School US Government and Economics

Homeschool High School: Free Curriculum Plan for US Government and Economics Courses

Can you teach high school level US Government and Economics courses at home? Can you teach them #TextbookFree? In this post I share our planned course of study, book list, and resource compilation for these two high school electives (US Government and Economics)…my gift to you!

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Beginner’s Guide to Church History

For many modern protestants, church history (if they think about it at all) begins with those famous theses being nailed to a door, as if the 1500 previous years of Christianity don’t really count. If you have desired to learn more about church history or if you have longed to feel connected to the church throughout the ages, this post is for you!  If you have felt overwhelmed at the thought of where to start your own studies, let alone how to pass on a delight-filled understanding of their place in church history to your children, I hope this post provides a helpful place to start.

Beginner’s Guide to Church History Read More »